Interest Based Bargaining: Part 3

As we've seen in previous posts, calling something "Interest Based Bargaining" does not necessarily make it effective.  I would argue that some processes parading around as IBB, really shouldn't even have that name.  In fact, I've started calling the processes I use "collaborative problem-solving" to avoid the confusion of IBB all together. Today we'll delve … Continue reading Interest Based Bargaining: Part 3

Conflict in Volunteerism: Part 3

We've made it!  This is the last in a series of posts about conflicts among volunteers.  I'm excited to get this post published before the start of DOVIA Colorado's Conference on Volunteerism tomorrow.  In the previous posts we've looked at common sources of conflict for volunteers who are Helpers for a Day, Sustaining Supporters, (Part … Continue reading Conflict in Volunteerism: Part 3

Conflict in Volunteerism: Part 2

If you read the post from earlier this week and thought, "Wait, that doesn't fit my experience. What about....?" then this post is for you. On the last post, we explored two types of volunteering, the Helper for a Day and Sustaining Supporter types. Today let's dig into one more, the Would be Staff.  Since … Continue reading Conflict in Volunteerism: Part 2

How much structure do we actually need?

I met a teacher friend for lunch today and, as always, it got me to thinking a lot.  We are both in a transition phase.  My friend is retiring from a successful career as a teacher, coach, and principal while I find myself in between  careers, homes, and more.  Given these big shifts, we spent … Continue reading How much structure do we actually need?